I have fallen in love with Huksy after writing the best harness for Husky article previously. I appreciate their breed’s characteristic and wants to write more product reviews that caters to their breed. In today’s case, it will be a dog bed review. Husky can actually sleep on hard surfaces like a wooden flooring but you can also get it a bed if you want the dog to be a bit more comfortable.
The best type of bed for a siberian husky?
Husky definitely belongs to a the large dog category so what I have said in my article on dogs beds for large dogs definitely apply here. Specifically, you need something strong that can support at least a 100 pound Husky.
In addition, Husky have powerful jaws that can pulled the dog bed apart rather easily. So, make sure the dog bed you are buying is chew proof, at least for the first few years. It is also recommended that you don’t buy a bed with cotton stuffing to prevent the Husky from swallowing some of these unhealthy materials if they manage to chew throw the bed coverings.
Best Husky dog bed
Given the above, I will definitely recommend the Kuranda dog bed that I have write before. To summarize, Kuranda dog beds look more like a hammock than a bed but it is very strong and can withstand the weight of a full grown adult Husky. More importantly, they have a patented design that makes the dog bed chew proof. Specifically, the edges of the fabric has been completely hidden within the dog bed frame. This makes it hard for the Husky to find a starting point to chew.
Another reason why I recommend Kuranda dog bed is that there is no stuffing on the bed. The worst case scenario if your Husky chews through the bed is to get a replacement. At least there is no possibility of your pet dog swallowing any unwanted materials and causing them to be an upset stomach.
Pictured on the left is how a Kuranda dog bed looks like. As you can see, it can support a Husky without any problems. It is also clear how none of the dog bed edges have been exposed for the dog to chew.
In terms of installation, there is a best way to do it such that the whole dog bed will be sturdy, I have highlighted how this should be done in my review.
The Kuranda dog bed comes in different sizes so you can buy the one that best suits the current size of your Husky dog. Even if it is a puppy, I will get him to be comfortable in its own bed so that it doesn’t develop a habit of sleeping on my bed or some other undesired places in the house.
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