From our comparison of Oster Turbo clipper vs Andis, we know the latter has many outstanding features that make it one of the best dog clipper in the market today. However, within the Andis dog clipper models, there are different types to choose from. Some are older versions while other have increased functionality. Today, I shall compare between Andis agc vs agc 2, which is the more recent version.
Difference between AGC 2 speed and ultra edge
Before going into the difference between the AGC and AGC2, I like to first clarify about the ACG2 and ultra edge. These 2 are similar models. The only difference lies in their color housing hence there is no need to struggle on the choice between the two. Just pick the color you like and you are good to go.
AGC 2 speed vs AGC
Now, let’s get back to the comparison between the original AGC and the AGC 2 speed.
- Heating: One of the most noticeable difference between the original and the AGC 2 speed is how much faster the blades will get heated up at higher speeds. To solve this problem, just prepare 2 sets of blades to interchange whenever one blade gets too hot to be used.
- Speed: There are 2 speed settings for the AGC 2. Obviously, the AGC 2 speed is faster than the original when you use the higher speed setting. This reduces your grooming time as well as making your puppy spend less time on waiting to be free from the grooming table.
- Prices: The new model has a higher price point than the older model.
Overall, there isn’t much difference between the AGC 2 speed vs AGC. Speed is obviously one main difference but also be aware of the heating up factor as well as the prices.
Perhaps being stupid, but which ones get hotter the AGC or the AGC2, the wording is a little unclear?