Having a puppy in your life is one of the most unfortgetable experience you will never forget, in both good and bad ways! When you have a well behaved puppy, it is like having an angel in your life. On the other hand, be prepared to curse and swear if your dog seems like a descendant of satan himself. I know some puppies are so badly behaved that their dog owners literally feels like killing them, no matter how cute they look.
One of most irritating thing a puppy can do is non stop barking at night. This barking problem is especially common among breeds such as yorkie , golden retriever, doberman etc al. For one, you can’t sleep. Worse of all, it might disturb your neighbors who will give you those glances in the morning from his blood shot eyes. To improve this situation, it might help to first understand why is your puppy barking and even biting you.
Why is my puppy barking at me or at night?
One of the most common reason why puppy barking is separation anxiety as it was separated from its previous home or other puppies. It is the classic ‘cry for help’ symptom. This problem can be acute if your puppy used to sleep among a litter of puppies. Now that you have bought it home alone, it suffers greatly from being the only puppy in the house. If you have just gotten a puppy and it barks endlessly, this could the main culprit.
Other possible reasons can include a nasty bad experience or just being over stimulated to certain objects.
Once a puppy develops a barking habit, it can be incredibly difficult to stop their non stop barking. This is especially so when the dog owners mistakenly try to give them attention every time it barks, thus creating positive enforcement for their behavior.
If you really know to learn how to stop puppy barking, read the following for more tips.
How to control puppy barking at night
There are many things to try, depending on the reason it was barking in the first place. Below are some tips you can use or even combine based on your particular puppy barking situation.
Sleep beside them
If your puppy is suffering from separation anxiety, the easiest solution is to let them sleep beside you if you are ok with it. If your puppy is not house broken, then do not let them sleep on the bed as they will probably piss on it. Instead, you can move the puppy crate or its dog beds beside your bed. When they need to go to pee, make sure you don’t play with them after they have returned or they will develop this habit of wanting to play after each pee.
Leave your blanket in their crate
For some puppies, having your scent with them in their crate is enough to stop any separation anxiety it might feel sleeping alone. You need to first lay beside them during the first few nights they are in the house and cover yourself in a blanket. Once it is asleep, have the blanket inside the crate and move away.
Tough love
Another way is to use negative enforcement. Ignore them even if the puppy cries its head off. After a week or so, it should realise that barking doesn’t help and it will stop (hopefully).
Use the best no bark collar for puppies
Another form of negative enforcement is the use of things like water or vibration. This solution is not for puppies with separation anxieties! You should consider using this only when your puppies have develop a nasty habit of barking that cannot be corrected via the methods outlined above on how to stop puppies from barking. If you are clear with this, then I recommend you trying this non bark collar for puppies from SportsDog.
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How the non bark collar works is fairly simply. It gives off vibration and sound when barking is detected. For this particular brand, it main strength is being able to provide more flexibility in terms of settings. In particular, it has different useful models that you can select to correct barking behavior. For example, there is the Progressive Correction mode whereby the collar will increase their stimulation levels until the dog stops barking and then resets to the lowest level. This is in contrast to the Temperament mode which will use the new level as the starting level if the puppy starts to bark again.
The collar works as many dog owners reviewed their experience on Amazon. With this collar in place, their dogs began to reduce their barking and most eventually stop. The most used mode is the Progressive Correction as it doesn’t provide too strong a static charge for the puppy.
For the device itself, it comes with a rechargeable battery that can last for a while. It is also water proof so don’t be worry about getting it wet.
Overall, this has a top rated bark control collar for puppies. Its different setting control and rechargeable battery puts it ahead of other similar products in the market.
For puppies which react to stimulus and bark, the best way is to train the puppy not to bark using treats. First, you need to know what is the objects that are causing them to bark. Then, set the object at a distance and tell it not to bark. Rewards them with treats if they obey. Next, move the stimulus closer and repeat the steps. Continue until it stops barks even when the stimulus is near the puppy.
Tired the puppy out
If a puppy is barking just because it is too energetic, you might consider tiring him out through outdoor play or exercises. There are in fact some puppy toys that are great at using up any excessive energy it have.
The key in learning how to stop puppies from barking is to understand what is causing them to do so and applying the right solution. Separation anxiety is a common cause but there are others as well. A bark collar works for puppies that have already developed the barking habit and you need to correct that.
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