image by dharma communications/Flickr
There are some new puppies that just seem to be born to a leash and need very little if any training but then there are some that think the minute that leash is attached it gives them free reign to run here and there pulling you along. If you have one of those types of puppies here are some hints on how to leash train a puppy.
Useful tips to help make leash training a puppy easier
When you come in from a walk and are going to put the puppy in their crate make sure that you remove the leash first. Doing this will help associate the leash with going outside. It will also make your puppy want to have the leash on and go outdoors.
Talk to your vet about which collar would be best to use for the breed of puppy that you have.
Make sure that you only remove the leash but not the collar. If the puppy gets out and someone finds it the ID tag on the collar can help locate its owner and save its life.
Make sure that you are persistence and have lots of patience when leash training your new puppy. The puppy will not learn leash training overnight. It is usually a long process.
How to leash train a puppy
Make sure that the training collar you are using suits the puppy. Try getting the puppy to accept the collar before attaching the leash. When your puppy is not trying to get free of the collar remove it at least once during the day. Make sure that the collar is not stiff. A good choice would be one that is lightweight.
Once the puppy has become use to the collar attach the leash to it but do not attempt to take them outside for a walk yet. You need to let the puppy become comfortable so let them roam the house with supervision because there are things that the leash could become tangle with and cause harm to the puppy. If your puppy starts to chew on the leash distract them by playing with them but do not yell at them for chewing on the leash. You can apply some bitter apple to the leash to help break them of chewing on it but it needs to be reapplied ever hour.
When the puppy becomes comfortable with both it is time to start leash training. In the beginning make the sessions lively and short. Start with taking a short walk around your yard or house with the puppy walking along beside you. If the puppy starts to strain or pull on the leash stop immediately to give the puppy time to settle down, then resume the walk.
Gradually the puppy will learn that if they pull on the leash they are going anywhere. In time they will realize that if they want to continue the walk they need to walk beside you calmly without pulling on the leash.
Utilizing these tips on how to leash train a puppy will soon have you and your best friend enjoying taking walks.
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