After buying the best dog clipper for Shih Tzu, the last thing you want is for them to lose its sharpness. These things are not cheap by any means so it is good to know how to keeps their blades sharp for future use. Thorough the years of me having a dog, I have learn a few tricks on how to prolong the life of my dog clipper blades. You might find some of them to be useful even for those who want to know how to sharp dog clipper blades at home.
#1: Clean dog clipper blades without water
One of the common mistake made by many first time dog clipper user is to wash or clean them with water. This is the last time you want to do because water can easily lead to rust being formed on the dog hair clippers. Here is how to clean dog clipper blades without them rusting:
- Use a dog clipper brush to remove all the hair from the clipper after each cutting. For best results, you might need to learn how to unscrew the screws to reach those tough to brush areas. Be sure you know how to screw them back though!
- Then, use a blade wash to protect the surface of the blades
- Finally you can use a damp cloth to remove any remaining hair or dirt
Using these simple steps above ensure that your dog clipper will not rust even after you clean it.
#2: Oil your dog clipper
Another common mistake is not oiling your dog clipper after a period of usage. This should be done after the cleaning process. Ideally, you should do it every time you clean the blades. That will give you the best protection in terms of maintaining the sharpness of your dog clipper blades.
#3: Learn where to get your blade sharpen
This is going to one hell of a tip. I pick this up from a dog forum that I can’t remember the name. Anyway, I tried it and it works. The trick is this.
- Call your local groomer or the one you have used before.
- Casually asked them how or where they get their dog hair clipper blades sharpen
- If you are lucky, it will be some local guy in your town
- Google for their contacts and get your own dog clipper blades sharpen
- Some will also help to service your blades
If you manage to keep your blade sharp through this, it can be used for quite a long time.
#4: Buy a stainless steel blade
This tip should be used before you made any purchase which is why I saved it for last since many of you reading this might already have one. In the unlikely event you do not have a dog clipper or is looking for a replacement, buy one with a stainless steel blade. It do really last longer and offers a better return on your money over time. If you want to know what brand to buy, click on the link in the first paragraph where I reviewed the best dog clippers for the money.
Hope you enjoy these 4 tips and find them useful. If you have other tips to share, please leave them in the comments.
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