If you think you can buy any standard dog ramp for a dachshund, think again 🙂 The reason why I got into reviewing dog products by breeds is that I understand that different breeds possess characteristics that might not be fulfilled by all products. Unfortunately, most reviews I saw online was very generic, without caring for how a breed might differ from another. The most useful information was from forums but they are generally disorganized and needed a lot of time to search and read.
Back to the topic of finding the best dog ramp for dachshund. Here is what I look out for when selecting one for a dachshund.
Dog ramp for dachshund buying guide
The physical characteristic of a dachshund is its long body and short legs. As such, when looking for a dog ramp for bed or sofa, you need to make it meets the following criteria:
- Wide steps: His long body requires steps that are longer in depth to allow it to comfortably step on it
- Discourages jumping: The biggest danger for any dog ramp is that the dog might jump off the ramp. This is dangerous as your pet might incur injuries from a bad jump.
- Traction: Make sure the dog ramp has plenty of traction so that it couldn’t slip or slide, especially when they are coming down the ramp.
Snoozer dog ramp for dachshund
In my mind, this is one of the best dog ramp that is made for dachshund. The gentle steps made it easy for the dog to climb up and down to any furniture. If your dog has any knee problems, using this wouldn’t impose further stress on those knee caps.
Its best feature however, is the scalloped design which creates lots of traction for the dachshund such that it couldn’t slide or slip when using the steps. Best of all, it couldn’t encourage the dog to jump down and hence prevents any potential injuries that could result due to the jumping.
Design wise, it looks elegant and wouldn’t be out of place in your home.
The only thing it can’t do is that it cannot be folded or stored away under the bed. However, since your dog will be using it frequently, it is not a major issue.
See what other dachshund owners have to say about this ramp on Amazon
PetGear 2 steps ramp for dachshund
Another option is this model from Petgear. This particular model has a longer width and depth that makes it easy for the dachshund to walk up comfortably. It doesn’t have to tip toe and bend its body to fit into the steps.
Another great thing about this ramp is that it has a covered back. This will prevent the dog from being able to look at the empty spaces and feeling scared. If your dachshund is not too comfortable with climbing stairs, this will make it so much easier for the dog.
The steps also come with carpet covering to avoid slippage by the dog. Some of the other dog ramps have slippery surfaces and that make it more difficult for dogs to get used to.
The downside to this model is its slightly declining steps. This make it easier for dogs to climb up but also encourages dogs to jump down. Jumping down is where the problem is as a badly timed jump can result in broken joints or sprained legs. If you are buying this dog ramp, make sure to train your dog not to jump off the ramp.
If your dachshund needs a dog ramp for whatever reason, then I would strongly recommend you getting the Snoozer model. It is a bit pricey but the quality is worth the money. If money is tight, then my second choice is the Petgear model.
For dachshund dog owners, you can see more product reviews here: best dog products for dachshund.
Am interested in Dixie steps like a bed Would like to know price
We have a dachramp from sausage dog central which is a genuine ramp. Our older dog loves it.
How much is the Snoozer ramp?
Hello I have a five month old dashund
Puppy could you recommenD me something for my sofa for my puppy
Many thanks
The steps they make for dachshunds is really not that great. They need all steps to be longer because of their backs. At least 3 steps, 34 to 36″ long and just 8-10″ high for each stair. We have been looking for something like this and cannot find it anywhere. So we are having the steps/stairs custom made
Neither of these are ramps. They are stairs, which Daschunds shouldn’t be doing at all.