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Having a dog for a pet is a true gift and many people choose to keep their pets indoors. This allows you to have extra time to bond with your pet and also allows you to develop a relationship that the two of you can enjoy that is often not possible with the animals that are kept outside. You have a tendency to bond more with indoor pets because you spend more time with them.
However, if you are going to have a pet that you keep indoors you are also going to need some tips for keeping your home clean. It is nothing short of amazing how quickly a single indoor pet can make your otherwise pristine home look as though you have not bothered to clean it in at least two weeks. Fortunately, there are some easy tips that you can follow that will allow you to enjoy the best of both worlds and have a clean home while still enjoying the companionship of your pet.
The most important thing that you can do is to clean often in order to keep up with things. That does not mean that you have to clean your house from top to bottom on a daily basis, but rather clean up small messes every day in order to keep things from getting out of hand. One of the biggest problems with having a pet indoors is typically related to the amount of pet hair that ends up on your carpets and your furniture.
Simply running the vacuum quickly over your carpets and spot cleaning any areas that have pet hair on the furniture can keep your house looking nice and is one of the most important things that you can do to keep everything in order. Even if you have a relatively large house you should be able to accomplish this in just a matter of a few minutes each day. If you don’t have a lot of time, consider something hands-free like the Roomba 630. In addition, you can utilize this time to pick up any of the pet’s toys that have been left lying around.
When it comes to toys, one of the most effective things you can do is to get a small laundry basket or similar type of storage container and then use it to place all of your pet’s toys in when they are not in use. If your pet is well trained and has learned to go outside instead of in the house and not to chew on furniture or other belongings, this should be all that is required on a daily basis to keep your house looking nice in between your more rigorous cleaning. Of course, you may have to spend a little extra time spot cleaning your floors or even mopping them on rainy days when your pet comes in from outdoors.
One extra thing that you may want to consider is making your house smell as good as it looks. Many times it is easier to clean up the pet hair than it is to get rid of the pet odor. However, spraying a little of your favorite fresh smelling spray into the air or even on carpets and furniture can eliminate this problem. Just make sure that you can spray the product on carpet or furniture without staining it or taking the color out before you use it liberally.
By following these simple guidelines, you can enjoy having your pet with you at all times and still make sure that your house looks and smells its best all the time. It requires only a few minutes of your time each day and can easily be incorporated into your daily routine that you use to tidy up around your home.
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