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Having a pet provides many great moments but it can also wreak havoc on your carpet. This is especially true if you have a new puppy or you have an older dog that simply does not have the bladder control that it used to.
Sometimes even the best and most faithful house trained dogs have accidents, especially if you find yourself in a situation where you are not able to be there in order to let them outside when they have to go. Things do happen from time to time and if you have a pet for any length of time whatsoever, you are going to have to remove stains from your carpet. It is a simple fact of pet ownership.
However, simply realizing that you need to remove stains from your carpet is not enough to do it successfully. You need to understand some critical tips for removing pet stains, as well as odor, from your carpet in order to keep your carpets looking great. In addition, successfully getting the odor out of the carpet will prevent your pet from returning to the same area and doing it again. Otherwise, once an accident has occurred it is in the pet’s nature to return to that same spot again and again. And housebreaking the puppy will help reduce accidents.
The first thing that you have to do is completely get up as a much of the stain as possible. If it is a fresh stain, clean up as much as you can using disposable towels or something similar. It is important that you make the stain as dry as possible before you begin working to remove it. Of course, if it is an older stain that you have found several hours after the fact, you can usually begin the stain removal process right away.
In order to remove the stain it is imperative that you utilize a cleaning agent that is designed specifically to remove pet stains as well as the odor. Apply the product directly to the stain according to the directions on the container. A foam product usually works very well. In order to truly do a good job it is important to have a small carpet brush that you can then utilize to get the stain and the odor out of the carpet, even at the deepest levels. After you have accomplished this part of the task, use some towels to clean up any leftover foam. This particular step usually should be repeated at least twice and then the entire stain should be allowed to dry before you vacuum the carpet.
Sometimes the stain and the odor are completely gone after you vacuum the carpet the first time. For larger stains you may have to repeat the entire process at least one more time. The important thing to remember is that by repeating this process until there is no indication whatsoever of a stain left on the carpet you can get almost all stains out completely. Be sure that you are using a cleanser that is designed to remove odors so that there will not be any repeated accidents in the same location in the future.
Cleaning your carpets in this way will help you keep them looking great whenever an accident happens. When all things are considered, it is a small price to pay for the companionship of a beloved friend.
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